AJC applauds the introduction of the California Combatting BDS Act of 2016 (AB 2844), which would prohibit California from entering into contracts with companies that boycott Israel. Assemblymember Richard Bloom authored the bill and is joined by several Assemblymembers and State Senators from across the state in introducing the legislation.

California is the latest state in which legislation has been introduced against the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement which seeks to delegitimize and isolate Israel. State legislatures that have passed anti-BDS legislation include Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, New York, and South Carolina.

“AJC commends Assemblymember Bloom and all members of the California legislature who take a clear stand against BDS,” said AJC Los Angeles Regional Director Janna Weinstein Smith. “The aim of the BDS movement is not a negotiated peace between Israel and the Palestinians, but to delegitimize the existence of Israel, our democratic ally in the Middle East.”

“This bill reaffirms a commitment to increased collaboration and partnership between California and Israel on energy, water security and other vital issues,” said AJC San Francisco Regional Director Sarah Persitz. “Passage of this initiative would send a powerful message on the importance of mutually beneficial economic ties between California and Israel.”

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