AJC extends condolences to the family of David Fremd, a Jewish leader in the town of Paysandú, Uruguay, who was fatally stabbed multiple times by a lone assailant. His son was wounded in the assault.

“While this kind of antisemitism is uncharacteristic for Uruguay, the violent attack demonstrates again that vile hatred of Jews transcends borders,” said Dina Siegel Vann, director of AJC’s Belfer Institute for Latino and Latin American Affairs. “AJC stands with our Uruguayan Jewish partners, who, together with government authorities, must now be ever more vigilant in ensuring Jewish security and safety.”

A suspect apprehended by police reportedly had shouted “Allahu Akhbar” during the attacks. A convert to Islam, he said that Allah told him to find a Jew and kill him.

Sergio Gorzy, president of the Comité Central Israelita de Uruguay, told AJC that the attack was "an antisemitic act." He thanked Uruguayan authorities for their "unconditional support."

Fremd, a businessman from a prominent Jewish family in Paysandú, was a local representative of the Comité, Uruguay’s Jewish umbrella group.

The Fremds are a well-known family in Paysandú. The Jewish community there is one of the oldest in the country.

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