AJC is calling on the U.S. Government to end the practice in the armed forces of denying security clearances for Jews who have family in Israel. The disturbing practice was brought to light again in a Wall Street Journal column this week. The practice is not new. It has existed for several Administrations.

The most recent case to come to light involved Dr. Gershon Pincus, a retired dentist who had initially received a recommendation approving the necessary clearance to work at a Naval clinic in Saratoga Springs, New York. He had discussed during interviews that close relatives lived in Israel. The person who initially considered Pincus' application recommended that he be granted a security clearance. However, following a subsequent security interview earlier this year, his clearance was denied at a higher level in September specifically because he has family in Israel.

“Of course, the U.S. must evaluate every candidate, but what is truly stunning is that our armed forces make judgments on the loyalty of certain American citizens based solely on their Jewish identity and any family ties to Israel,” said AJC General Counsel Marc Stern. “To be sure, this questionable practice resurrecting the shopworn canard of dual loyalty has been taking place for years, over several Administrations. For the good of the country, it is high time that it be brought to an end.”

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