The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted today an important resolution expressing serious concern about persistent human rights violations in Iran. It was adopted by a vote of 81 to 37 against, with 67 abstentions.

“We are encouraged that so many UN member states have recognized the worsening human rights situation in Iran, and call on Iran to comply with the will of the international community to end its pervasive violations,” said AJC Executive Director David Harris.

With this resolution, UNGA reaffirmed UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s conclusion that there has been no improvement in the protection of human rights in Iran, despite pledges by President Rouhani to improve his nation’s human rights practices.

The resolution also echoes concerns raised by Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Iran, who was appointed by the UN Human Rights Council. Shaheed and the Secretary-General have documented severe, ongoing human rights violations in Iran. Iran's persistent abuses include discrimination against women and minority groups; arrests and detention of human rights defenders, activists, and journalists; and a record number of executions following unfair trials.

AJC called on Permanent Representatives to the UN to stand with the people of Iran and support the resolution when it came first before UNGA’s Third Committee on human rights, and in advance of today’s vote.

The UNGA vote indicates a renewed focus on the human rights situation in Iran, and the international community’s insistence that Iran implement greater human rights protection measures.

AJC, through its Jacob Blaustein Institute for the Advancement of Human Rights, has long pressed for greater protection of human rights in Iran and the release of Iranian political prisoners.

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