
Recordando a los Justos entre las Naciones
Esta semana tuvo lugar el Día Internacional de Conmemoración del Holocausto, fecha en la que  se recuerda a los 6 millones de judíos asesinados durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Pero también es una ocasión para reconocer y honrar a los miles de no judíos que arriesgaron sus vidas para ayudar a salvar a las víctimas de la persecución y los crímenes  por parte de los nazis y sus colaboradores. 
5 Things You Need to Know About How Anti-Semitism is Affecting Chile’s Democracy
As the largest Palestinian community outside the Middle East advances an aggressive anti-Israel agenda bordering on anti-Semitism, Chile is facing constant attacks on its democracy and its heritage of inclusiveness.
Leader of Chile’s Jewish community: “President Piñera will seek improved ties with the state of Israel”
Former President Sebastián Piñera won Chile’s presidential election on Sunday, December 17. His triumph demonstrates a turn towards the center-right in a region that has been dominated by leftist movements for over a decade. In 2012, Piñera became the first Chilean president to visit Israel, a fact that sets great expectations for the future of bilateral cooperation.