Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, Iran - What you need to know

It's Taken Too Long to Respond to Hamas' Sexual Violence
Rape and sexual violence are war crimes and violations of international law. Yet that was overlooked in an Oct. 13 statement by U.N. Women, which equated the Hamas attacks on civilians in Israel with defensive actions taken by Israel and made no mention of Hamas’ barbarism.
Biden Acknowledged Hostage Families at the State of the Union. Here’s Who They Are.
In his State of the Union address, President Joe Biden is expected to highlight key accomplishments during his first term in office and make the case for his re-election. While many domestic issues will take center stage, the ongoing Israel-Hamas war will likely be a topic addressed by the president. In the audience will be the families of Americans held captive or murdered by Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023.
What You Need to Know About Hezbollah: The Anti-Israel Terror Group With More Firepower Than Most NATO Militaries
Hezbollah’s arsenal of weapons poses a direct threat to Israeli cities, strategic sites, and civilian population centers and could be activated by the Iran-backed terror group at any time.
Antisemitism Is No Way To Win an Argument About Israel
Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza is not a “genocide.” I write this first, because within three sentences of a column published March 6 in the Sun by Alison Slow Loris, “Our role in conflict's generational violence,” that is the accusation made. This allegation relies on two false assumptions. First, that every death Hamas has reported in Gaza is accurate, civilian in nature, and deliberate, and second, the belief that the Jewish state seeks not avenues for peace, but opportunities for conflict.
Antisemitism is Happening in San Diego. You Can Help Stop It.
Sometimes the rest of the world feels far away here in San Diego. We watch the crises across the globe and would like to think “no, not here, we’re not affected.” If only that was the case with antisemitism, which knows no boundaries. And in communities where antisemitism has been left to rage unchecked, all of society suffers.

Jewish Women Worldwide Feel Betrayed
As has been the case for over a hundred years, women around the world will take to the streets this March 8th to draw attention to their rights and the gender discrimination that still exists. Even if women's demands vary greatly across the globe due to their respective realities, it has so far been assumed that the rejection of misogynistic violence unites everyone.
What Everyone Needs to Know About Hamas’ Lie About Gaza Aid Stampede
On February 29, dozens of Palestinians were reportedly killed as thousands overran humanitarian aid trucks entering Gaza City in the northern Gaza Strip. In a separate incident nearby, there were up to 10 Palestinian casualties when a group of Gazans approached Israeli soldiers, who were securing the aid deliveries at the border crossing between Gaza and Israel. Here is what you need to know about the Gaza stampede for aid, which is also being called the "flour massacre."
Facing Antisemitism in the Wake of the Israel-Hamas war, We Must Cherish Hope
Last month I returned to Israel for my first visit since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7.
It felt very different. My heart was as full as ever, but my eyes were filled with tears and my soul with trepidation. The pain and fear provoked by that horrific day still feel so present.
What It’s Like to Be Jewish at Harvard Among Antisemites and Hamas Supporters
What’s it like being a Jewish student at Harvard today? With us to tell their firsthand accounts are Nitsan Machlis, co-chair of the Harvard Kennedy School Jewish Caucus, and Shabbos Kestenbaum, a Harvard Divinity school student who is part of a group that sued the university–alleging that they failed to address campus antisemitism.
What is Known About Israeli Hostages Taken by Hamas
How many hostages does Hamas have? What hostages are being released today? And have any Israeli hostages been released? Here is what is known about the people taken hostage on October 7, the history of Hamas’ hostage-taking, and how Israel has responded in the past.
Tough Questions About Gaza Answered
The Gaza Strip is a 141-square-mile Palestinian enclave located near Israel’s southwestern tip. After the Israeli withdrawal in 2005, the coastal territory has been under the control of the Iran-backed Hamas terrorist group. Hamas has launched several significant attacks against Israel from its base in Gaza, including in 2008, 2009, 2014, 2021, and most recently the Israel-Hamas War on October 7, 2023, when Hamas terrorists murdered over 1,200 Israelis, wounded over 12,000, took 134 hostages, and thousands of rockets.
What is Students for Justice in Palestine, the Hamas-supporting Anti-Israel Group Being Banned on College Campuses?
Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is an anti-Zionist student organization in America that has been responsible for numerous recent anti-Israel protests on college campuses across the country.
Israel is Far From Being Isolated
Ominous headlines about the Israel-Hamas war, antisemitic condemnations from world leaders and South Africa’s outrageous genocide allegations before the International Court of Justice could easily lead one to believe that Israel is isolated on the world stage.
AJC CEO Ted Deutch Op-ed | The Numbers Are Scary But There’s an Opportunity to Fight Antisemitism
We have a national antisemitism crisis, and it affects Jews every day — on the streets, at school, at work, online and everywhere in between.
Learn Why The U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism Must Be Enforced
The U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism, released in May 2023, can't be seen as just a list of suggestions. These are requirements that must be urgently followed through and built upon.
How A 10/7 Survivor is Confronting Anti-Israel Activists on College Campuses
Yoni Diller arrived at the Supernova Music Festival just hours before Hamas terrorists launched their attack on Israel. Having survived this harrowing experience, Yoni is now traveling the world to share his story.
The ‘Decolonization’ Narrative Around Israel is as Dangerous as it is Inaccurate
And if Israel was truly a settler-colonialist state dominated by white Europeans, that would make it hard to explain how 21% of Israelis are Palestinian Arabs, who have the same rights and responsibilities as Jewish Israelis. That includes serving in the military, the Knesset, and Israel’s Supreme Court. But that is yet another inconvenient truth for those who hated Israel even before Hamas went on its spree of murder, rape and kidnapping.
AJC's Jason Isaacson on the Danger of Iran's Terror Proxies
Jason Isaacson, AJC Chief Policy and Political Affairs Officer, spoke with India Today on how Iran’s extensive terror network threatens India, the entire region, and the world. Isaacson also discusses the importance of Israel defending itself and defeating Hamas.
Hezbollah, Hamas, and More: Iran's Terror Network Around the Globe
Here’s a primer on more than a dozen proxy terror groups that have taken their orders from the Iranian regime, threatening civilian lives around the world.
Eylon Levy from Hostages Square: "There Will Be No One Left Behind"
“There will be no one left behind. We’re going to bring back for the women and the men, the young and the old, the civilians and the soldiers.”