History and Context: Israel-Hamas War

Here are 5 Jewish Issues Republicans and Democrats Must Address at their Conventions
In the wake of the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, here are five planks AJC is urging Republican and Democrats to incorporate into their platforms and address during their conventions.
Hamas’ 10/7 Massacre Plan Was Inspired by Hezbollah’s Radwan. Here’s What to Know About the Elite Terror Unit.
Since October 7, Israel and Hezbollah have been engaged in near-daily exchanges of Hezbollah rocket fire and Israeli reprisals, with Hezbollah launching increasingly larger rocket, drone, and arson attacks on northern Israel that threaten a wider war. Here's what to know about Hezbollah's Radwan.
Meet the Heroes of Israel
At AJC Global Forum 2024, American Jewish Committee (AJC) debuted Heroes of Israel, three stories of Israeli citizens who have risen to become extraordinary heroes in the wake of Hamas’ October 7 massacre. Watch the stories of Ofir Libshtein, Nasreen Yousef, and Zvi Reder.
What the State Department’s National Security Memorandum Said, and Didn't Say, About Israel’s Defensive War Against Hamas
On May 10, the Biden administration released a report assessing Israel’s conduct amid the ongoing war Israel-Hamas war.
The 46-page State Department report, formally known as the National Security Memorandum 20, was ordered by President Biden earlier this year to verify whether seven different countries - including Israel – adhere to international law in their use of U.S.-made weapons.
What You Need to Know About the ICC and the Israel-Hamas War
Adding another dangerous twist to the Israel-Hamas War and its impact, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has announced he is simultaneously seeking arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, along with three leaders of the genocidal terror group Hamas.
The Chaos at Columbia: What It’s Like to be Jewish on Campus Right Now
Noa Fay is a Jewish student leader at Columbia University, the epicenter of the anti-Israel protest movement that has unfolded on American college campuses in recent weeks. Pro-Hamas, antisemitic, and anti-Israel demonstrators have occupied academic buildings, set up overnight tent encampments, and staged demonstrations, while Jewish students have faced increasing threats, antisemitism, and violence.
Unilaterally Declaring Palestine a State will Torpedo Peace Prospects
Two initiatives that claim to help the Palestinian people are currently making waves at the UN. Both support the unilateral and unconditional advancement of Palestinian statehood. Sadly, if successful, these resolutions would have the opposite effect, setting back the fulfillment of Palestinian national aspirations.
It's Taken Too Long to Respond to Hamas' Sexual Violence
Rape and sexual violence are war crimes and violations of international law. Yet that was overlooked in an Oct. 13 statement by U.N. Women, which equated the Hamas attacks on civilians in Israel with defensive actions taken by Israel and made no mention of Hamas’ barbarism.
Biden Acknowledged Hostage Families at the State of the Union. Here’s Who They Are.
In his State of the Union address, President Joe Biden is expected to highlight key accomplishments during his first term in office and make the case for his re-election. While many domestic issues will take center stage, the ongoing Israel-Hamas war will likely be a topic addressed by the president. In the audience will be the families of Americans held captive or murdered by Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023.
What You Need to Know About Hezbollah: The Anti-Israel Terror Group With More Firepower Than Most NATO Militaries
Hezbollah’s arsenal of weapons poses a direct threat to Israeli cities, strategic sites, and civilian population centers and could be activated by the Iran-backed terror group at any time.
Antisemitism Is No Way To Win an Argument About Israel
Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza is not a “genocide.” I write this first, because within three sentences of a column published March 6 in the Sun by Alison Slow Loris, “Our role in conflict's generational violence,” that is the accusation made. This allegation relies on two false assumptions. First, that every death Hamas has reported in Gaza is accurate, civilian in nature, and deliberate, and second, the belief that the Jewish state seeks not avenues for peace, but opportunities for conflict.
152 Days Later: What the Mother of Hostage Edan Alexander Wants the World to Know
“Listen to me, Edan. I'm here. I'm with you. I love you. Just protect yourself. Just be safe.” These were the last words Yael Alexander spoke to her then-19 year old son, Edan, on the morning of October 7, 2023. Edan was later taken hostage by Hamas terrorists. Yael joins us from her New Jersey home to tell her story.
Jewish Women Worldwide Feel Betrayed
As has been the case for over a hundred years, women around the world will take to the streets this March 8th to draw attention to their rights and the gender discrimination that still exists. Even if women's demands vary greatly across the globe due to their respective realities, it has so far been assumed that the rejection of misogynistic violence unites everyone.
Facing Antisemitism in the Wake of the Israel-Hamas war, We Must Cherish Hope
Last month I returned to Israel for my first visit since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7.
It felt very different. My heart was as full as ever, but my eyes were filled with tears and my soul with trepidation. The pain and fear provoked by that horrific day still feel so present.
What It’s Like to Be Jewish at Harvard Among Antisemites and Hamas Supporters
What’s it like being a Jewish student at Harvard today? With us to tell their firsthand accounts are Nitsan Machlis, co-chair of the Harvard Kennedy School Jewish Caucus, and Shabbos Kestenbaum, a Harvard Divinity school student who is part of a group that sued the university–alleging that they failed to address campus antisemitism.
5 Facts About the Jewish People's Ancestral Connection to the Land of Israel
With the October 7, 2023, Hamas massacre with now 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals reported dead and 134 still held hostage, there have been renewed attempts to rewrite history and assert that Jews are “foreign occupiers” with no ties to the land of Israel. Among the lies being spread is an effort to undermine Israel’s legitimacy by accusing it of being a settler-colonial state.
Timeline: Key Events in the Israel-Arab and Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
The timeline here aims to address frequently asked questions about Israel's history and to help dispel misinformation about the events leading up to this point.
Israel's Enduring Quest for Peace
Following the brutal Hamas massacre on October 7, any discussion of peace between Israelis and Palestinians or a two-state solution seems like a very distant reality amid the Israel-Hamas War. Here is an overview of known efforts undertaken by Israeli leaders in the pursuit of security and peace.
Antisemitism Cannot Be Business As Usual for Jews
In Philadelphia, we are all too aware of how antisemitism has affected Jews, especially since Oct. 7, when Hamas terrorists attacked Israel and slaughtered more than 1,200 innocent civilians and kidnapped 240 men, women, children and babies.
AJC on NPR: Large Majorities of Americans Say Antisemitism Is a Serious Problem
AJC CEO Ted Deutch and Holly Huffnagle, AJC’s U.S. Director for Combating Antisemitism, discuss the impact of antisemitism on the lives of American Jews including those on college campuses.