Translate Hate

More than a Dozen Terms and Tropes Added to Translate Hate Antisemitism Glossary
Amid the terrifying increase of antisemitic harassment, intimidation, and violence around the world in the wake of the October 7 terror attack against Israel, American Jewish Committee (AJC) today released updated terms to its Translate Hate glossary, a tool to help people identify, understand, and report antisemitism.
“Globalize the Intifada” | #TranslateHate
What does Globalize the Intifada mean? What is a global intifada? What does Intifada mean in Arabic? See how “Globalize the Intifada” is antisemitic, particularly is relates to the Israel-Hamas 2023 war.
gaslighting | #TranslateHate
Translate Hate was created by American Jewish Committee (AJC) to explain antisemitism. This glossary aims to improve media literacy on antisemitism and hate, especially in the digital realm. What is an example of gaslighting? How do you spot gaslighting of Jews? See when gaslighting is antisemitic.
tokenizing | #TranslateHate
Tokenizing is antisemitic and occurs when a small number of unrepresentative Jewish voices are portrayed as speaking for the entire Jewish community.
Semite | #TranslateHate
Translate Hate was created by American Jewish Committee (AJC) to explain antisemitism. This glossary aims to improve media literacy on antisemitism and hate, especially in the digital realm. See when Semite is antisemitic.
puppet master | #TranslateHate
Translate Hate was created by American Jewish Committee (AJC) to explain antisemitism. This glossary aims to improve media literacy on antisemitism and hate, especially in the digital realm. See when puppet master is antisemitic.
Pepe the frog | #TranslateHate
Translate Hate was created by American Jewish Committee (AJC) to explain antisemitism. This glossary aims to improve media literacy on antisemitism and hate, especially in the digital realm. See how Pepe the frog, an antisemitic term used by Groypers,” the name of a green cartoon amphibian – maybe Pepe the Frog, possibly a toad – that has become a popular meme and calling card, in dangerous to Jews.
control | #TranslateHate
Translate Hate was created by American Jewish Committee (AJC) to explain antisemitism. This glossary aims to improve media literacy on antisemitism and hate, especially in the digital realm. See when control is antisemitic.
Nazi symbols | #TranslateHate
what does the nazi symbol mean? Everything you need to know about neo nazi symbols, nazi ss symbol, and nazi swastik symbol.

philosemitism | #TranslateHate
What is the Philosemitism meaning and Philosemitism definition? It is a particular appreciation for the Jewish people based on “positive” characteristics of Jews.
Jewish power | #TranslateHate
Why do jewish people have so much power is antisemitic trope. Here is the meaning of Jewish power and why it's important to debunk Jewish people in power claims.
Jew Coup | #TranslateHate
Have you heard the phrase "impeachment is a Jew coup?" Wondering what does Jew coup mean? Popularized by far-right conspiracist Rick Wiles, the term Jew Coup claims that Jews were behind the effort to impeach former President Donald Trump.
Jewish agents | #TranslateHate
Jewsh agents is used to describe a Jewish businessperson or Jewish representative who acts for or represents another. Jewish agents often arises with far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Holohoax | #TranslateHate
Translate Hate was created by American Jewish Committee (AJC) to explain antisemitism. This glossary aims to improve media literacy on antisemitism and hate, especially in the digital realm. See why Holohoax is antisemitic.
laughing Jew | #TranslateHate
What does the term laughing Jew? What does a laughing Jew look like? Here is why it is antisemitic.
settler colonialist | #TranslateHate
What is settler colonialism? What does settler colonialist mean? And why are people labeling Israel as a settler colonialist state? See when settler colonialists is antisemitic now.
Great Replacement | #TranslateHate
Great Replacement, also known as white replacement theory or white genocide theory, claims there is an intentional effort, led by Jews, to promote mass non-white immigration, inter-racial marriage, and other efforts that would lead to the “extinction of whites.” This conspiracy theory was famously promoted at the 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, VA.
When is Jewish lobby antisemitic?
See when Jewish lobby is antisemitic in AJC's Translate Hate Glossary.
Why is Jewish lightning antisemitic?
See why Jewish lightning is antisemitic in AJC's Translate Hate Glossary.
Why is Jewish figures antisemitic?
See why Jewish figures is antisemitic in AJC's Translate Hate Glossary.