Translate Hate

When is greed antisemitic?
See when greed is antisemitic in AJC's Translate Hate Glossary.
Why is "The Goyim Know" antisemitic?
See why "The Goyim Know" is antisemitic in AJC's Translate Hate Glossary.
When is Globalist antisemitic?
See when Globalist is antisemitic in AJC's Translate Hate Glossary.
When is cabal antisemitic?
See when cabal is antisemitic in AJC's Translate Hate Glossary.
When is "From the River to the Sea" antisemitic?
See when the phrase "From the River to the Sea" is antisemitic in AJC's Translate Hate Glossary.
Why is (((echo))) antisemitic?
See why (((echo))) is antisemitic in AJC's Translate Hate Glossary.
Why is Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG) antisemitic?
See why Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG) is antisemitic in AJC's Translate Hate Glossary.
When is Zionist / "Zio" antisemitic?
See when Zionist/"Zio" is antisemitic in AJC's Translate Hate Glossary.
Why is "Zionism is racism" antisemitic?
See why "Zionism is racism" is antisemitic in AJC's Translate Hate Glossary.
When is Soros antisemitic?
See when Soros is antisemitic in AJC's Translate Hate Glossary.
Why is smirking merchant antisemitic?
See why smirking merchant is antisemitic in AJC's Translate Hate Glossary.
When is slavery / slave trade antisemitic?
See when slavery/slave trade is antisemitic in AJC's Translate Hate Glossary.
Why is silencing antisemitic?
See why silencing is antisemitic in AJC's Translate Hate Glossary.
When is scapegoat antisemitic?
See when scapegoat is antisemitic in AJC's Translate Hate Glossary.
When is Satan antisemitic?
See when Satan is antisemitic in AJC's Translate Hate Glossary.
When is Rothschild antisemitic?
See when Rothschild is antisemitic in AJC's Translate Hate Glossary.
Why is QAnon antisemitic?
See why QAnon is antisemitic in AJC's Translate Hate Glossary.
Test Your Antisemitism Knowledge - Take the Quiz
To stop antisemitism we first have to understand and recognize it. Take this quiz to test your knowledge of antisemitism. #TranslateHate
Kike | #TranslateHate
What does Kike mean? What do people hate Jews? Learn how Kike is an an offensive, derogatory term for a Jewish person
Zionist / “Zio” | #TranslateHate
Translate Hate was created by American Jewish Committee (AJC) to explain antisemitism. This glossary aims to improve media literacy on antisemitism and hate, especially in the digital realm. See when Zionist / “Zio” is antisemitic.