By Tamar Guggenheim, 2023 Fall AJC Washington Intern

I could never have imagined the impact that my internship at AJC Washington would have on my Fall 2023 semester. Entering my sophomore year at college, I wanted to gain professional experience through an internship and remembered my positive time with AJC LFT in high school. I thought that by working at AJC Washington, I could apply the concepts I learned in LFT, make new connections, learn more about AJC and their work, and develop personal and professional skills.

A few weeks into my internship, the 10/7 terror attack and the ensuing war between Israel and Hamas began. Suddenly the work and time I set aside for my AJC internship felt more significant and essential. I was also grateful to be in a professional space with an increased amount of support from my incredible AJC colleagues.

Throughout my time at AJC, I had the privilege of working on different events where I saw the AJC and Greater Washington communities come together in times of celebration, mourning, and learning. I have been honored to meet so many influential board members, lay leaders, professionals, and community members who make the work AJC Washington does meaningful.

This week, a small business owner I follow on Instagram, Ariel Tidhar, joined an AJC Project Interchange trip to Israel to see firsthand the effects of the October 7th attacks. I enjoy Ariel’s content, learning about her Modern Orthodox lifestyle, and admiring her unique Jewish jewelry designs. Seeing Project Interchange provide Ariel and other social media influencers the opportunity to go to Israel and see the impact of the 10/7 attack firsthand is one of the many aspects of AJC’s work that makes me proud to be a part of AJC’s work.

Coming into AJC’s Washington, DC office every week, I knew I would be met with a warm greeting from everyone at AJC Washington. Alexis, Alan, Brooke, Monica, Laura, Merry, Denver, and Alex fostered a supportive, close-knit dynamic team. Their passion for their work at AJC and within the Jewish community was inspiring and refreshing.

My semester at AJC has not only been influential on me as an eager learner; it has reinforced my pride in Judaism and Israel advocacy, something I know will carry me through the rest of my personal and professional life.

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