Articles by Jason Isaacson

‘Natural Logic’ of India-Israel Ties Crosses Another Threshold
There were memorable moments in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s historic visit to Israel last July...The same can be expected of Netanyahu’s reciprocal visit this week to India.
Regional Wrestling with Jerusalem Reality
On a restaurant barge in the Nile, a small group of American Jews and members of the Egyptian business and political elite sat down for dinner a week after US President Donald Trump’s dramatic announcement that the United States recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Challenges to the "National Home for the Jewish People" 100 Years After the Balfour Declaration
Thank you for inviting me to join in this centenary celebration of the Balfour Declaration – a celebration of the practical wisdom of a war-time British Government, of the triumph of historical obligation over colonial expediency, of the long-delayed recognition of a people’s rightful inheritance.
From abstract to urgent, a test of U.S. global leadership
From Washington, the issue of American leadership – much in the news these days in the wake of President Trump’s recent interactions with counterparts in Europe and the Middle East – has a distinctly abstract air.
Strategic Challenges and Opportunities in the India-Israel Relationship
Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) Seminar Marking the Visit of Prime Minister Modi to Israel
Modi-Trump Summit Promises Progress on Several Fronts
The Washington that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is visiting today is, in ways obvious and not so obvious, significantly different from the Washington he visited in June 2016.
India-Israel Ties Will Grow Stronger
Two ancient civilisations, two post-colonial states, two democracies, two centres of culture and faith, two nations with vibrant global diasporas: it was only natural that India and Israel would forge not only diplomatic relations, but a unique and enduring partnership.
TPP Demise Hurts US Interests
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), negotiated under President Obama but scorned by both major candidates to succeed him, was pronounced dead after Election Day.
Natural Partners Come Closer
Barack Obama's India visit, like Narendra Modi’s fresh approach towards Israel, marks a new era in global affairs.