Articles by Laura Shaw Frank

Shabbat Parshat Ki Tavo - AJC Shabbat Table
In this week's Shabbat Table, we discuss the commandment in the Torah reading to sacrifice the first fruits of a harvest, the 75th anniversary of Bess Myerson becoming the first (and only) Jewish Miss America, how to talk to your kids about Black-Jewish relations, and much more.
Shabbat Parshat Ki Teitzei - AJC Shabbat Table
In this week's Shabbat Table, we discuss the biblical commandment to remember Amalek, the 123rd anniversary of the First Zionist Congress, how to talk to your kids about being an informed and engaged American Jewish voter, and much more.
Shabbat Parshat Shoftim - AJC Shabbat Table
In this week's Shabbat Table, we discuss the Jewish imperative to pursue justice, the 70th anniversary of the historic Blaustein-Ben Gurion Agreement, how to talk with your kids about last week's historic announcement about the normalization of relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, and much more.
Shabbat Parshat Re'eh - AJC Shabbat Table
In this week's Shabbat Table, we discuss welcoming the upcoming Jewish month of Elul, remembering Menachem Begin on the 107th anniversary of his birth, how to talk to your kids about antisemitic tropes about Jews and power, and much more.
Shabbat Parshat Eikev - AJC Shabbat Table
In this week's Shabbat Table, we discuss modern lessons to be learned from the story of the Golden Calf, the anniversary of Ruth Bader Ginsburg being sworn in as a Supreme Court Justice, comedian Seth Rogen's recent controversial comments about Israel, and much more.
Introducing AJC’s Shabbat Table
Taking a break from our busy lives to rest and recharge has always been important. In these days when many of us are spending much of our time at home, in a time when technology has become even more critical to our ability to stay in touch with the world out there, taking some time to consciously “unplug” feels more critical than ever before. We hope AJC’s Shabbat Table will give you interesting and inspirational material to spur lively and meaningful conversations around your family’s dinner table.