Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, Iran - What you need to know

5 Things to Know About the Houthis, Their Attacks on Israel and the U.S., and Their Treatment of Yemen’s Jews
Who are the Houthis? The Houthis are an extremist Shia-Islamist movement and terrorist army.  acked by Iran, this organization controls approximately one-third of Yemen’s territory and more than two-thirds of the country’s population. It has emerged as a prominent player in the Israel-Hamas war, which began on October 7 with a mass murder attack by Hamas on Israelis. Find out what and who the Houthi rebels fighting for and how they are launching drone attacks at Israel.
AJC CEO Ted Deutch on Iran's Threat to U.S.-NATO Security
At Hudson Institute, AJC CEO Ted Deutch addressed Iran's threat to U.S.-NATO security.
What to Know About the Pro-Hamas Antisemitic Group “Within Our Lifetime”
Meet Within Our Lifetime - United for Palestine (WOL), the anti-Israel group that hasn’t been afraid to call for the death of Jews.
WATCH: AJC Jerusalem Director Lt. Col. (Res.) Avital Leibovich: 5 Facts About Hezbollah
Hezbollah – bent on murdering Israelis and eliminating the Jewish state – has as many as 150,000 missiles and rockets pointed at Israel and has fired nonstop barrages of rockets and drones at Israel's northern communities since October 7. AJC Jerusalem Director Lt. Col. (Res.) Avital Leibovich sets the record straight about the Iran-backed terror group.
What Every American Should Know About U.S. Aid to Israel
U.S. security aid is particularly important in Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, which is constantly under attack.

Hamas’ 10/7 Massacre Plan Was Inspired by Hezbollah’s Radwan. Here’s What to Know About the Elite Terror Unit.
Since October 7, Israel and Hezbollah have been engaged in near-daily exchanges of Hezbollah rocket fire and Israeli reprisals, with Hezbollah launching increasingly larger rocket, drone, and arson attacks on northern Israel that threaten a wider war. Here's what to know about Hezbollah's Radwan.
What to Know About Hezbollah’s Escalation Against Israel
Amid the Israel-Hamas War, fears of a wider conflict with Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed terror group in Lebanon, are increasing as cross-border fighting has intensified.

Meet the Heroes of Israel
At AJC Global Forum 2024, American Jewish Committee (AJC) debuted Heroes of Israel, three stories of Israeli citizens who have risen to become extraordinary heroes in the wake of Hamas’ October 7 massacre. Watch the stories of Ofir Libshtein, Nasreen Yousef, and Zvi Reder.
Iran Must be Brought to Justice for the AMIA Bombing
While Israel is actively engaged in holding the October 7 perpetrators accountable, Argentina’s Jewish community and all of society are waiting for answers.
Why Israel’s Ties With Africa Will Survive The War In Gaza
Israel’s global standing has been greatly damaged since Hamas’s October 7 terrorist attack. With the expansion of the Israel Defense Force’s (IDF) counter-offensive against Hamas and the increasing death toll in Gaza, Israel has now become the object of severe international criticism. These condemnations sharply contrast with the past decade, which had largely been positive for Jerusalem on the global stage.
Meet the Eight American Hostages Still Held By Hamas
Meet the eight Americans still held hostage after thousands of Hamas terrorists breached the border between Israel and Gaza intent on terrifying and destroying the Jewish state.
The West Must Lead Now to Curb a Nuclear-Poised Iran
The world has become increasingly perilous in recent years. First, Russia’s illegal aggression against Ukraine shook European and global security. Then, the horrific attacks by Iran-backed Hamas on October 7 against innocent Israeli civilians marked not only a new level of antisemitic and terrorist horror but also opened a seven-front war of survival for the Jewish state.
Seven Months In: What Israelis Think About the War Against Hamas, Campus Antisemitism in America, and More
Jacob Magid, U.S. Bureau Chief for the Times of Israel, provides his take on Israel's efforts to destroy Hamas in Gaza, the U.S-Israel relations, the anti-Israel campus protests, the Israeli public’s reaction to rising antisemitism abroad, and the challenges he has faced as a journalist since October 7.
Genocide and Hamas Go Hand in Hand
The torrent of hatred directed against Israel since the brutal Oct. 7 massacre by Hamas in Israel has been unrelenting. A common, libelous trope among the haters is that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, as Donna Nevel inaccurately asserted in the Palm Beach Post. It is totally beyond the pale – a complete inversion of reality – and it must be condemned. Genocide is defined as violent attacks with the intent to destroy in whole, or in part, a national ethnic, racial or religious group. This in no way describes the facts on the ground in Gaza.
AJC CEO Ted Deutch Responds to President Biden's Weapons Pause to Israel
AJC CEO Ted Deutch responds to President Biden's weapons pause to the Jewish state.
The Chaos at Columbia: What It’s Like to be Jewish on Campus Right Now
Noa Fay is a Jewish student leader at Columbia University, the epicenter of the anti-Israel protest movement that has unfolded on American college campuses in recent weeks. Pro-Hamas, antisemitic, and anti-Israel demonstrators have occupied academic buildings, set up overnight tent encampments, and staged demonstrations, while Jewish students have faced increasing threats, antisemitism, and violence.
We Must Act Now to Prevent the Next Attack by Iran | Opinion
Iran's aerial assault on Israel involved some 320 attack drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles. It was the act of a regime fully committed to annihilating the Jewish State.
5 Reasons Why Unilateral Recognition of Palestinian Statehood at the UN Would Be a Major Setback for Peace
Amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, rocket attacks from Hezbollah in Israel’s north, and Iranian drone and missile attacks on Israel, the Palestinian Authority is attempting to circumvent the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and unilaterally gain admission to the United Nations as a member state.
What is Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and Why is it Designated a Terror Group by the United States?
On April 1, an alleged Israeli airstrike near Iran's embassy in Damascus, Syria, reportedly killed seven members of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), a U.S.-designated terror organization. Among those killed was a top IRGC commander, Mohammad Reza Zahedi.
Staten Island Jews Can't Go it Alone In The Fight Against Antisemitism
In the aftermath of the Oct. 7 Hamas-led terrorist attack and massacre in Israel, American Jews were engulfed in a maelstrom of grief, anger and alienation. Now, five months into the Israel-Hamas war, Jewish New Yorkers stand at the forefront of an escalating societal crisis.